The Room

Chui Chun-yu.Chan Wai-yee Vale

  • Hong Kong
  • 2013
  • 2D
  • DCP
  • Colour
  • 7min30s

In a strange world, the protagonist Lan awakes and finds himself in a luxurious room while his friends, Kwan and Mon both lead comfortable lives. Lan has doubts over the seemingly comfortable and stable environment around him and tries to convince his friends to leave together...


Wong Wai Ho.Sheikh Umair Ahmed

  • Hong Kong
  • 2015
  • 3D
  • DCP
  • Colour
  • 5min40s

There once was a fish that wanted to live a better life. By following the delicious fish food, he ended up at the busy human world. Despite his great efforts to think and act like a human, barriers started to emerge between him and his family...


Mak Siu-fung

  • Hong Kong
  • 2014
  • 2D.後製特效
  • DCP
  • Colour
  • 17min37s

M the hunter is pursuing his prey – a gigantic creature hiding in a snow mountain for years - at all costs. He has braved dangers and eventually put himself in a life-threatening situation. An incident, which occurred subsequently, leads him to a dilemma- to confront his own hunting actions. What would M do?

Tale of the Rebellious Stone

Ng Kai-chung.Ng Tsz-ching

  • Hong Kong
  • 2013
  • 2D
  • DCP
  • Colour
  • 13min22s

A stone, with its unflawed surface, was carved and polished by beliefs and rules. Yet the core is raw. The more eager you try to smoothen it, the more eager it indulges itself. Its untamed nature is no longer to be restrained.

Behind the Schoolbag

Nic Ho

  • Hong Kong
  • 2015
  • 2D.後製特效
  • DCP
  • Colour
  • 9min30s

It is a story about self-salvation. Having suffered from a miserable childhood, Shaun couldn’t help but question his own value. He can do nothing but lock up his heart and distant himself from others.