Le Tour Utrecht - Bon Voyage!

Job, Joris and Marieke

  • Holland
  • 2014
  • 3D
  • DCP
  • Colour
  • 3min6s

Tim has a romantic date to watch the start of the Tour the France in Utrecht with his girl. But he ends up at the wrong side of the barriers and has to find a way to get to her.

Johnny Express

Kyung-Min, WOO

  • South Korea
  • 2014
  • 3D
  • DCP
  • Colour
  • 5min30s

Johnny, an apace delivery courier is traveling though space to deliver a package. His ship soon arrives on a very small planet where he needs to deliver the package. The package is so small; he has to look through a magnifying glass to see it. Johnny walks around the planet, looking for the recipient.

Tigers Tied Up in One Rope


  • France
  • 2014
  • Drawing on paper
  • DCP
  • Colour
  • 7min57s

His mother who cannot bear to see him eat and sleep all day after day harasses an extremely lazy young boy. He eventually decides to get to work and shows unexpected imagination, creativity and tenacity.

Afternoon Class

Sen-Ro, HO

  • South Korea
  • 2015
  • 2D
  • DCP
  • Colour
  • 3min49s

In the afternoon class, a student is feeling drowsy and struggles to stay awake.

The Great Harlot and the Beast


  • Denmark
  • 2015
  • 3D
  • DCP
  • Colour
  • 7min14s

How will the naive innocent mind of a freshly carved prince puppet and his co-actors withstand their audience's insatiable appetite for entertainment?