The Crazy Pandaman
- Hong Kong
- 2013
- 2D
- Colour
- 3min2s
One will find this little story, is actually the legend of Pandaman which spreading through word of mouth on the streets.
Kongkee A wry comics writer who cannot tell comedy from tragedy. Creating animations and comics in Hong Kong, Kongkee has published Imperfect Shoes, Ricegas, Hi-Jacking (collaborated with Chihoi), Pandaman, Ding Ding Penguin, Jin Dor Man, Our Sai Yee Street and etc. In 2015, Travel to Hong Kong with Blur was published in collaboration with internationally known band BLUR. In 2009, Kongkee founded Penguin Lab together with Law Man-lok for multimedia development and product making. Short animated film Howl the Mobile Fatty received Hong Kong ICT Awards and Best Digital Entertainment in (Animation) Silver Award in 2013. Their latest animation; Saveur Térébenthine; was selected to animation group of the 20th Incubator for Films & Visual Media in Asia (ifva), and it was presented the 16th Japanese digicon6 Awards.