2016 Best of Annecy
- 69 min
- 普
13:30 - 14:39

現代愛情:遲來的親吻 The New York Times "Modern Love – A Kiss, Deferred" | 03m46s |
城市邊緣 Peripheria | 12m20s |
權力的倒影 The Reflection of Power | 09m10s |
偶動畫入門 Stems | 02m24s |
陽台 Balcony | 06m18s |
還要多久?快了 How Long, Not Long | 05m33s |
盲眼維莎 Blind Vaysha | 08m10s |
街道上的人生剪影 Frankfurter Str. 99a | 04m58s |
睡仙 Mr Sand | 08m15s |
頭不見了 The Head Vanishes | 09m28s |
Selected Shorts from National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
- 83 min
- 保
15:30 - 16:53

滾顱之丘 Land of the Heads | 06m11s |
夜車驚魂記 Madame Tutli-Putli | 17m15s |
領帶先生 The Necktie | 12m19s |
牛車 Bydlo | 08m56s |
再見了玫瑰 Vive la rose | 06m17s |
眼鏡妹天方夜譚 Through My Thick Glasses | 12m41s |
草原之舞 Vistas - Dancers of the Grass | 02m14s |
神力大鬍子 Sainte Barbe | 07m45s |
冰山不見了 Meltdown: Hothouse 8 | 01m27s |
上帝換我當當看 If I Was God... | 08m31s |
2015 Best of Ottawa
- 73 min
- 保
17:30 - 18:43

五分鐘博物館 The Five Minute Museum | 06m20s |
阿育與蛇的奇幻旅程 Yùl and the Snake | 13m12s |
心碎、賭博、啤酒與焦慮 Loop Ring Chop Drink | 09m45s |
創世神話 Celestial Shore ‘Creation Myth’ | 03m03s |
紫羅蘭 Violet | 05m56s |
主人不在家 The Master | 18m |
豬 Pig | 03m20s |
不快樂,快樂 Unhappy Happy | 07m07s |
戴著帽子的小矮人 Small People With Hats | 06m51s |
Aardman Animations: 40th Anniversary (Family Version)
- 89 min
- 普
10:30 - 11:59

阿答超人 Aardman Original Cartoon | 24s |
笑笑羊-甜筒吃到飽 Shaun the Sheep 'Cones' | 07m |
畢氏暴龍 Pythagasaurus (Family Edit) | 03m51s |
動物物語 Creature Comforts | 05m15s |
阿默糗大了 Grand Morph's Home Movies | 04m42s |
暴走小子的賤骨頭 Angry Kid 'Bone' | 01m10s |
阿紫阿棕吹口哨 Purple & Brown 'Whistler' | 01m07s |
微米姑娘 Nokia 'Dot' | 01m41s |
正義聯萌 DC Nation 'Episode 1' | 01m |
笑笑羊4D大直播 Shaun the Sheep '3DTV' | 07m |
殺死蒼蠅的六種方法 Fly | 02m44s |
阿默的哈哈鏡 Morph 'Sloped World' | 01m42s |
登陸大夢 Ray's Big Idea | 03m24s |
阿德曼發射 Aardman Nathan Love (Full Version) | 02m25s |
海賊教戰散策 So you want to be a Pirate! | 17m21s |
酷狗寶貝之引鵝入室 The Wrong Trousers | 28m59s |
2016 Best of Zagreb
- 69 min
- 輔12
13:00 - 14:09

怪獸蜥蜴實境秀 Welcome to My Life | 08m45s |
不存在的理想國 Travelling Country | 13m38s |
不思議外套 A Coat Made Dark | 10m21s |
信者恆信 What They Believe | 10m20s |
星期天午餐 Sunday lunch | 13m57s |
水基準點 Datum Point | 06m41s |
末日遊戲 Endgame | 07m20s |
TIAF Picks 1
- 80 min
- 保
14:50 - 16:10

刺客聶隱娘前傳 The Assassin: The Pre-Sequel | 04m17s |
秋 The Autumn | 03m07s |
紅雞蛋 Red Egg | 04m38s |
這個念頭是愛 This is LOVE | 02m32s |
何日花再來 Where have the flowers gone? | 06m23s |
餓星人 HFO (Hungry Flying Object) | 04m27s |
大紅和小藍 So Red And A Little Blue | 04m |
大寒 The Poem | 06m14s |
照片回收 Recycled | 05m40s |
幻象 Mirage | 04m28s |
七層譚 Resettlement Memory | 06m37s |
八里溝 LÖSS | 28m14s |
China Academy of Art
- 86 min
- ★
- 保
10:30 - 11:56

嘯山記 The Whistle | 06m20s |
種梨 The Pear | 06m19s |
思凡 The Nun | 07m03s |
Loading | 05m37s |
喫多啖先啦/多吃一口啦 Eat a Bite | 03m44s |
末路 Roadless | 04m19s |
戲・途 The Path of Drama | 04m35s |
錯失的風景 Miss the Scenery | 07m05s |
魚 Fish | 04m53s |
又做錯了嘛? Wrong again? | 05m52s |
打城隍 Beat God the Cheng Huang | 08m02s |
桃花源 Haven of Peace | 07m23s |
夢之旅 Dreams Travel | 03m31s |
風中之塔 The Tower | 11m38s |
Taiwan Competition 1
- 77 min
- ★
- 普
13:00 - 14:17

另一個宇宙 Another Space | 03m41s |
擁抱 HUG | 02m37s |
KNOB | 04m07s |
長島 LONG LAND | 05m46s |
迷失他方 Lost in Words | 02m13s |
無聲 Silent | 02m09s |
翱翔 SOAR | 06m14s |
彼雀 SPARROW | 07m34s |
暗河 Subsurface flow | 13m23s |
森林秘境 The Forest Unseen | 06m33s |
大頭 The Head | 05m58s |
迷宮 THE MAZE | 05m45s |
水巨人 THE WATER GIANT | 04m25s |
獨特症樂隊 Unique Soul | 01m46s |
缺乏名字的場所 Wander in the Dark | 05m22s |
來杯咖啡吧 Working Coffee | 03m04s |
Taiwan Competition 2
- 77 min
- ★
- 普
15:15 - 16:32

小貓事 Morning Routine | 02m11s |
巴特 Bart | 16m46s |
頭皮屑女孩 Dandruff Girl | 02m21s |
Griefly | 03m26s |
本末 In a Good Way | 04m45s |
寄伴 Jeff came from the parcel | 03m52s |
風吹 Kite | 03m |
追光者 Light Drifter | 03m32s |
菜菜子 Nanako | 03m46s |
姐妹 Sisters | 01m32s |
超級馬克市場 SUPERMARKET | 03m54s |
在柿子樹上 The Persimmon Tree | 04m43s |
虎爺 Tiger God | 07m35s |
悲劇的我 VEGETABLE | 05m45s |
牆 Wall | 04m50s |
志豪 ZHI-HAO | 06m43s |
觀摩短片 (一)
【親子篇】 Taiwan Selected Works 1 售完
【親子篇】 Taiwan Selected Works 1 售完
- 60 min
- 普
17:30 - 18:30

阿尼馬玩動畫 ANIMA play stop-motion | 05 min16s |
河馬飄飄 Bye Bye Hippie | 02m31s |
肯邦羅伯大師 Canbran Master Robert | 01m18s |
吉娃斯愛科學 Go Go Giwas | 11m44s |
衝吧 爸爸! GO! GO! DADDY | 01m44s |
恐怖萬聖節 Halloween Horror | 10m39s |
酷哥 Kooger, The Dog | 10m51s |
千里共嬋娟 Love Above Cloud | 01m06s |
水果冰淇淋日月潭之歌 Song of Sun Moon Lake | 01m31s |
春雨 Spring Rain | 03m29s |
柿子色的街燈 Under the Persimmon Streetlight | 10m55s |
Seoul Station 動畫聊天室
Filmmaker's Talk 售完
Seoul Station 動畫聊天室
Filmmaker's Talk 售完
- 92 min
- ★
- 輔15
19:15 - 20:47

起源:首爾車站 Seoul Station | 01h32m |
Aardman Animations: 40th Anniversary (Family Version)
- 89 min
- 普
10:30 - 11:59

阿答超人 Aardman Original Cartoon | 24s |
笑笑羊-甜筒吃到飽 Shaun the Sheep 'Cones' | 07m |
畢氏暴龍 Pythagasaurus (Family Edit) | 03m51s |
動物物語 Creature Comforts | 05m15s |
阿默糗大了 Grand Morph's Home Movies | 04m42s |
暴走小子的賤骨頭 Angry Kid 'Bone' | 01m10s |
阿紫阿棕吹口哨 Purple & Brown 'Whistler' | 01m07s |
微米姑娘 Nokia 'Dot' | 01m41s |
正義聯萌 DC Nation 'Episode 1' | 01m |
笑笑羊4D大直播 Shaun the Sheep '3DTV' | 07m |
殺死蒼蠅的六種方法 Fly | 02m44s |
阿默的哈哈鏡 Morph 'Sloped World' | 01m42s |
登陸大夢 Ray's Big Idea | 03m24s |
阿德曼發射 Aardman Nathan Love (Full Version) | 02m25s |
海賊教戰散策 So you want to be a Pirate! | 17m21s |
酷狗寶貝之引鵝入室 The Wrong Trousers | 28m59s |
觀摩短片 (二)
Taiwan Selected Works 2
- 65 min
- 保
12:30 - 13:35

Aimm for Love | 01m23s |
2016年台北國際書展「張愛玲特展:愛玲進行式」預告片 CF of Exhibition Eileen’s Style | 01m |
馬戲團 Circus | 05m37s |
城市 City | 05m35s |
雙重意外 DOUBLE ACCIDENT | 01m56s |
尋 Looking For | 03m44s |
魔鞋女孩 The Girl In The Magic Shoes | 05m21s |
塑膠花 Plastic Flowers | 02m56s |
紅屁屁 Red Butt | 02m12s |
你不知道的臺灣名人——蔣渭水 Taiwan Animated History-Chiang Wei-shui | 02m39s |
你心裡最後一個 The Last One Who Live In Your Heart | 04m20s |
農野時節 The Life of a Farmer | 01m54s |
阿芳仔个家族農業史 The Life of Fang (and His Family) | 06m30s |
賣地雷的小男孩 The Little Landmine Boy | 02m51s |
覓香 The Sense of Spice | 08m52s |
給怪物 To Monster | 04m59s |
(un)real | 03m09s |
動物生命律 Wild in Motion | 02m21s |
Taiwan Competition 3
- 71 min
- ★
- 限
14:30 - 15:41

20 | 05m53s |
爆炸頭阿蟹 Afro Crab | 04m04s |
永恆的歡樂假期 An Eternal Vacation of Happiness | 05m38s |
然後呢 AND THEN | 01m43s |
褓母 Baumu | 09m30s |
Bloody Dairy | 03m09s |
噪 Cacophony | 01m59s |
切西瓜 Che-Xi Qua | 04m30s |
撞擊測試 Crash Testing | 03m59s |
ego | 04m29s |
探索者號 Explorers | 05m55s |
再見寶貝 Falling Bébé | 04m55s |
試煉 f u r t h e r | 03m29s |
紅格子 RED | 03m57s |
The Button Battle | 02m45s |
他奶奶的一天 What A Peaceful Day | 04m45s |
Konstantin BRONZIT
- 62 min
- ★
- 保
13:10 - 14:12

安慰我! Pacifier | 01m |
真實夢遊人 Switchcraft | 08m45s |
終激警探 Die Hard | 01m30s |
山頂小屋咚咚搖 At the Ends of The Earth | 07m45s |
神煩蒼蠅王 The GOD | 04m20s |
貓與狐狸 The Cat and the Fox | 13m30s |
公廁愛情故事 Lavatory - Lovestory | 09m45s |
你是我的小宇宙 We Can't Live Without Cosmos | 15m20s |
Seoul Station 動畫聊天室
Filmmaker's Talk 售完
Seoul Station 動畫聊天室
Filmmaker's Talk 售完
- 92 min
- ★
- 輔15
17:30 - 19:02

起源:首爾車站 Seoul Station | 01h32m |
TIAF Picks 1
- 80 min
- ★
- 保
10:15 - 11:35

刺客聶隱娘前傳 The Assassin: The Pre-Sequel | 04m17s |
秋 The Autumn | 03m07s |
紅雞蛋 Red Egg | 04m38s |
這個念頭是愛 This is LOVE | 02m32s |
何日花再來 Where have the flowers gone? | 06m23s |
餓星人 HFO (Hungry Flying Object) | 04m27s |
大紅和小藍 So Red And A Little Blue | 04m |
大寒 The Poem | 06m14s |
照片回收 Recycled | 05m40s |
幻象 Mirage | 04m28s |
七層譚 Resettlement Memory | 06m37s |
八里溝 LÖSS | 28m14s |
China Academy of Art
- 86 min
- ★
- 保
12:30 - 13:56

嘯山記 The Whistle | 06m20s |
種梨 The Pear | 06m19s |
思凡 The Nun | 07m03s |
Loading | 05m37s |
喫多啖先啦/多吃一口啦 Eat a Bite | 03m44s |
末路 Roadless | 04m19s |
戲・途 The Path of Drama | 04m35s |
錯失的風景 Miss the Scenery | 07m05s |
魚 Fish | 04m53s |
又做錯了嘛? Wrong again? | 05m52s |
打城隍 Beat God the Cheng Huang | 08m02s |
桃花源 Haven of Peace | 07m23s |
夢之旅 Dreams Travel | 03m31s |
風中之塔 The Tower | 11m38s |
Taiwan Competition 3
- 71 min
- 限
13:00 - 14:11

20 | 05m53s |
爆炸頭阿蟹 Afro Crab | 04m04s |
永恆的歡樂假期 An Eternal Vacation of Happiness | 05m38s |
然後呢 AND THEN | 01m43s |
褓母 Baumu | 09m30s |
Bloody Dairy | 03m09s |
噪 Cacophony | 01m59s |
切西瓜 Che-Xi Qua | 04m30s |
撞擊測試 Crash Testing | 03m59s |
ego | 04m29s |
探索者號 Explorers | 05m55s |
再見寶貝 Falling Bébé | 04m55s |
試煉 f u r t h e r | 03m29s |
紅格子 RED | 03m57s |
The Button Battle | 02m45s |
他奶奶的一天 What A Peaceful Day | 04m45s |
2016 Best of Zagreb
- 69 min
- ★
- 輔12
15:00 - 16:09

怪獸蜥蜴實境秀 Welcome to My Life | 08m45s |
不存在的理想國 Travelling Country | 13m38s |
不思議外套 A Coat Made Dark | 10m21s |
信者恆信 What They Believe | 10m20s |
星期天午餐 Sunday lunch | 13m57s |
水基準點 Datum Point | 06m41s |
末日遊戲 Endgame | 07m20s |
Konstantin BRONZIT
- 62 min
- ★
- 保
17:15 - 18:17

安慰我! Pacifier | 01m |
真實夢遊人 Switchcraft | 08m45s |
終激警探 Die Hard | 01m30s |
山頂小屋咚咚搖 At the Ends of The Earth | 07m45s |
神煩蒼蠅王 The GOD | 04m20s |
貓與狐狸 The Cat and the Fox | 13m30s |
公廁愛情故事 Lavatory - Lovestory | 09m45s |
你是我的小宇宙 We Can't Live Without Cosmos | 15m20s |
【限制級篇】 TIAF Picks 2
【限制級篇】 TIAF Picks 2
- 81 min
- ★
- 限
10:30 - 11:51

貴妃醉酒 The Banquet of the Concubine | 13m02s |
小心!數到三 THREE The Peehood | 04m10s |
一分鐘的藝術史 One Minute Art History | 01m27s |
竹林寺胡同 Bamboo Temple Street | 13m26s |
Last Judgment | 02m58s |
大逃亡 The Great Escape | 06m05s |
樓上的老虎 The Tiger of 142B | 11m12s |
幽遊者 Soul Walker | 06m16s |
呯 BAM | 06m01s |
RUN! | 03m24s |
風雪山神廟 Back Down No More | 12m46s |
Taiwan Competition 2
- 77 min
- 普
13:00 - 14:17

小貓事 Morning Routine | 02m11s |
巴特 Bart | 16m46s |
頭皮屑女孩 Dandruff Girl | 02m21s |
Griefly | 03m26s |
本末 In a Good Way | 04m45s |
寄伴 Jeff came from the parcel | 03m52s |
風吹 Kite | 03m |
追光者 Light Drifter | 03m32s |
菜菜子 Nanako | 03m46s |
姐妹 Sisters | 01m32s |
超級馬克市場 SUPERMARKET | 03m54s |
在柿子樹上 The Persimmon Tree | 04m43s |
虎爺 Tiger God | 07m35s |
悲劇的我 VEGETABLE | 05m45s |
牆 Wall | 04m50s |
志豪 ZHI-HAO | 06m43s |
Taiwan Competition 1
- 77 min
- 普
15:00 - 16:17

另一個宇宙 Another Space | 03m41s |
擁抱 HUG | 02m37s |
KNOB | 04m07s |
長島 LONG LAND | 05m46s |
迷失他方 Lost in Words | 02m13s |
無聲 Silent | 02m09s |
翱翔 SOAR | 06m14s |
彼雀 SPARROW | 07m34s |
暗河 Subsurface flow | 13m23s |
森林秘境 The Forest Unseen | 06m33s |
大頭 The Head | 05m58s |
迷宮 THE MAZE | 05m45s |
水巨人 THE WATER GIANT | 04m25s |
獨特症樂隊 Unique Soul | 01m46s |
缺乏名字的場所 Wander in the Dark | 05m22s |
來杯咖啡吧 Working Coffee | 03m04s |
2015 Best of Ottawa
- 73 min
- 保
13:00 - 14:13

五分鐘博物館 The Five Minute Museum | 06m20s |
阿育與蛇的奇幻旅程 Yùl and the Snake | 13m12s |
心碎、賭博、啤酒與焦慮 Loop Ring Chop Drink | 09m45s |
創世神話 Celestial Shore ‘Creation Myth’ | 03m03s |
紫羅蘭 Violet | 05m56s |
主人不在家 The Master | 18m |
豬 Pig | 03m20s |
不快樂,快樂 Unhappy Happy | 07m07s |
戴著帽子的小矮人 Small People With Hats | 06m51s |
Selected Shorts from National Film Board of Canada (NFB)
- 83 min
- 保
15:00 - 16:23

滾顱之丘 Land of the Heads | 06m11s |
夜車驚魂記 Madame Tutli-Putli | 17m15s |
領帶先生 The Necktie | 12m19s |
牛車 Bydlo | 08m56s |
再見了玫瑰 Vive la rose | 06m17s |
眼鏡妹天方夜譚 Through My Thick Glasses | 12m41s |
草原之舞 Vistas - Dancers of the Grass | 02m14s |
神力大鬍子 Sainte Barbe | 07m45s |
冰山不見了 Meltdown: Hothouse 8 | 01m27s |
上帝換我當當看 If I Was God... | 08m31s |
魔獸世界機造影片: AFK PL@YERS精選輯
World of Warcraft Machinima: The Best of AFK PL@YERS
- 70 min
- ★
- 保
20:00 - 21:10

【限制級篇】 TIAF Picks 2
【限制級篇】 TIAF Picks 2
- 81 min
- 限
12:30 - 13:51

貴妃醉酒 The Banquet of the Concubine | 13m02s |
小心!數到三 THREE The Peehood | 04m10s |
一分鐘的藝術史 One Minute Art History | 01m27s |
竹林寺胡同 Bamboo Temple Street | 13m26s |
Last Judgment | 02m58s |
大逃亡 The Great Escape | 06m05s |
樓上的老虎 The Tiger of 142B | 11m12s |
幽遊者 Soul Walker | 06m16s |
呯 BAM | 06m01s |
RUN! | 03m24s |
風雪山神廟 Back Down No More | 12m46s |
2016 Best of Annecy
- 69 min
- 普
14:30 - 15:39

現代愛情:遲來的親吻 The New York Times "Modern Love – A Kiss, Deferred" | 03m46s |
城市邊緣 Peripheria | 12m20s |
權力的倒影 The Reflection of Power | 09m10s |
偶動畫入門 Stems | 02m24s |
陽台 Balcony | 06m18s |
還要多久?快了 How Long, Not Long | 05m33s |
盲眼維莎 Blind Vaysha | 08m10s |
街道上的人生剪影 Frankfurter Str. 99a | 04m58s |
睡仙 Mr Sand | 08m15s |
頭不見了 The Head Vanishes | 09m28s |
六廳/ 閉幕片
Closing Film 紅烏龜:小島物語 The Red Turtle 售完
Closing Film 紅烏龜:小島物語 The Red Turtle 售完
- 82 min
- ★
- 普
19:00 - 20:20

紅烏龜:小島物語 The Red Turtle | 01h22m |
- 普普通級 General
- 保保護級 Protected
- 輔輔導級 Parental Guidance
- 限限制級 Restricted
- ★ 影人出席 Filmmaker in Attendance
- 所有影片皆為原文發音,中英文字幕(英語發音影片僅中文字幕)。
All Films in original language are with Chinese and English subtitles. Films in English language are with Chinese subtitles only.