

Festival News訊息公告

2016TIAF 得獎名單公告

單元片名 Title獎項 Award評語 Comments
競賽短片(三) Competition 3 20 台灣獎 本片的動機很強烈及誠懇。是一部富有詩意及感人的故事,講述人與人之間的連結。即使你不是20歲,一般觀眾都可以感同身受導演想表達的主題。
All jury members felt that the artist had a strong and honest motivation to make this film. This is a poetic and touching story about longing for connection with other human beings. Everybody in the audience can identify with that theme. Even if you are a different age other than 20.
競賽短片(三) Competition 3 然後呢 AND THEN 台中獎 本片是一部簡練傑出的警世預言,告誡我們日常生活中的例行公事,也會麻木人心,使人成癮而不自覺。
We have awarded the Taichung Award to "And Then". A concise, cautionary tale that warns us about the addictive nature of routine.
競賽短片(三) Competition 3 永恆的歡樂假期 An Eternal Vacation of Happiness 特別評審獎 本片提醒我們,如果有一件事情是重要的,那就是: 只要有愛就夠了。
We awarded this film because it reminds us about one of the main thing in the world: All we need is love.
競賽短片(三) Competition 3 紅格子 RED 學生獎 影像詩般的優美敘事,細膩的將昨日、今日與明日的蛻變與拉扯在流動的影像中豐沛的呈現,平靜而耀眼。
The film is shown in a poetic way. Through the flow of each scene, the director carefully depicts the changes and back and forth between yesterday, today and tomorrow, giving the film a sense of tranquility but still standing out.
競賽短片(三) Competition 3 撞擊測試 Crash Testing 優選 本片運用擬真的3D電腦動畫,帶出汽車撞擊測試的人偶,面臨強力撞擊瞬間的複雜情緒;是一部技術成熟高超,又有細膩心理觀察的短片。
This 3D animation short simulates the dummy's complex feeling at the moment of the crash testing with mature skills and exquisite psychological observation.
競賽短片(一) Competition 1 翱翔 SOAR 優選 精巧明快的故事設計與細膩的角色表演,將童心與想像填滿了這段巧遇,完整度極高的專業製作也表現出創作者旺盛的企圖心。
The story is delicately fast-paced, and the character performances are depicted in great detail, making the encounter full of childlike innocence and imagination. The high level of professionalism of the film reveals the director's ambition.
競賽短片(一) Competition 1 暗河 Subsurface flow 優選 本片以獨特不避諱醜陋的黯黑畫風,和日本鋸琴配樂,鋪陳一則臺灣鄉下飽受工業汙染,老弱鄉民深陷泥淖的現實困境;是一部藝術性高,又反映社會議題的短片!
This film chooses a rough yet unique style of drawing to match its Japanese Musical saw scoring, which contributes a lot to its theme. The story artistically reflects the social issue of how the farmers and the rural elderly in Taiwan are dragged down by miserable reality due to industrial pollution.
競賽短片(二) Competition 2 超級馬克市場 SUPERMARKET 優選 這部片提醒了我們,超市裡能找到的東西,不僅僅是食物而已。
We mentioned this film because it reminds us that in the supermarket we can find not only food.