

Best of the BestLooking Through a Kaleidoscope

現代愛情:遲來的親吻 The New York Times "Modern Love – A Kiss, Deferred"


Our contribution to The New York Times "Modern Love" column, based on a true story written by Nikolina Kulidzan.

城市邊緣 Peripheria


A journey into the heart of a large slum that's been abandoned, portraying an urban landscape gone wild: a modern Pompeii where the wind blows and dogs roam amongst the remains of human life.

權力的倒影 The Reflection of Power

Director/Mihai GRECU

In the most secret capital in the world, a crowd watches a show while a disaster threatens to annihilate the city.

偶動畫入門 Stems

Director/Ainslie HENDERSON

Making puppets make music.

陽台 Balcony

Director/David DELL'EDERA

Everyone does what they want. The people in this film are not yet sure what they want to do.

還要多久?快了 How Long, Not Long

Director/Michelle KRANOT, Uri KRANOT

A visual journey that challenges us to think about a universal belonging that doesn't confine itself to a city, region or national boundary in an age where xenophobia, nationalism and intolerance are ubiquitous.

盲眼維莎 Blind Vaysha

Director/Theodore USHEV

Vaysha is not like other little girls. Her left eye only sees the past and her right, only the future. People call her "Blind Vaysha".

街道上的人生剪影 Frankfurter Str. 99a

Director/Evgenia GOSTRER

A garbage man on his daily routine. A cat walking through the streets. A meeting during the lunch break.

睡仙 Mr Sand

Director/Soetkin VERSTEGEN

A dreamy bedtime story about early cinema. A mix of techniques recalls the atmosphere of this dangerous new medium.