



Director/CHIANG Chu-Ying

The hedgehog's dilemma describes the animals' difficulty in keeping warm without getting hurt, a metaphor for the emotional distances we try to modulate between ourselves.

Bloody Dairy

Director/Min LIU

Bloody Dairy is a daily animation project for 100 days. The animator created a gif animation everyday for 100 days, all done hand-drawn frame by frame.


Director/CHO Pei-Hsin

People would recall what they've experienced in some ways. They find out their changes like losing a little hair when brushing hair, which is very natural. They wouldn't feel the pain, but they know that part of themselves leave away.

試煉 f u r t h e r

Director/Kai CHANG

Little by little, hurting each other leads to an irrevocable tragedy, and this is just a start of the cycle.

The Button Battle

Director/LIN Li-Xuan

The chubby woman disguises herself for the date. Will she conquer the lure of food, and win the love of her prince? Only with love could we embrace the imperfection of each other.

切西瓜 Che-Xi Qua

Director/Alipin HUANG

"Such a boring day," the girl mused at the monotony of everyday life, her eyes glazed over the fruit stand in the market, "except that ridiculous looking watermelon…."

他奶奶的一天 What A Peaceful Day

Director/Eden CHAN

An old lady headed for the woods seeking for the peace. Accidently she met a hunter collecting antlers, and then a conflict was going to happen.

永恆的歡樂假期 An Eternal Vacation of Happiness

Director/CHUNG Cheng-Hsu

In lovers’ relationship, it seems like that we’re going on a vacation to each other’s heart from our own individuals’ lives. We can’t control the duration of the vacation, and it seems to end after all.

再見寶貝 Falling Bébé

Director/WANG Yang-Zhen

The film discusses the issue of abortion from the perspective of a baby still inside the womb, and explores how we would react to a breach of our most basic sense of security.