Three couples drifting apart. Synopsis: Three couples are facing different challenges: A middle-aged hedgehog falls in love with a balloon, but finds it difficult to maintain his grooming routine. A couple of arctic lovers are experiencing a coldness between them, and two oysters are losing patience as they wait to be on the same schedule.
瑪格麗特·丹尼爾森 Margrethe Danielsen
Margrethe Danielsen has a bachelor’s degree in animation. She is currently studying at Volda University College for a Master’s degree.
Screening Schedule
Date Time Venue Note 2020/11/27 13:30 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 3 ★ ◆ 2020/11/30 19:10 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 3 2020/12/01 20:30 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 3 - 備註說明:
★ With filmmakers’ attendance
❤ Recommend to family
Wearing 3D glasses
✱ Introduction before screening
◆ Introduction after screening
▲ Non English language film without English subtitles