Competition Films
Regulations and Awards
Competition Judges
2020 TIAF Competition Nominees
2020 TIAF Award Winning Films

Washing Machine

Director / Alexandra Májová
CZECH REPUBLIC | 2020 | 2D | DCP | Color | 6min |
  • 2020 Anifilm 捷克國際動畫影展 最佳捷克短片
  • 2020 歐洲青少年動畫影展 兒童與青少年電影二等獎


Wash and love.


亞歷山德拉·瑪約瓦 Alexandra Májová

Alexandra Májová is czech illustrator, animator and director. She studied animation at FAMU. In the course of her studies, she spent time at the animation department of Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. She has directed the short animated student films, Swimming Pool (2010) and Mythopolis (2013), among others, which won a number of significant awards both domestic and international. She currently illustrates children’s books and works on animated children TV series Hungry Bear Tales (Bionaut production 2021).

Screening Schedule

Date Time Venue Note
2020/11/27 15:40 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 3
2020/11/29 18:00 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 3
2020/12/01 17:00 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 3

With filmmakers’ attendance
Recommend to family
Wearing 3D glasses
Introduction before screening
Introduction after screening
Non English language film without English subtitles
