Programme Panorama
Opening Film
Closing Film
Feature Films
Director in Focus
Theme Program
Baby Universe

The Full Story

Director / Daisy Jacobs
UK | 2017 | | DCP | Color | 8min
  • 2017 英國愛丁堡國際電影節 最佳短片


Toby is selling his childhood home. Walking through empty rooms, he is assailed by memories of happiness unravelling, break-down, and the helplessness and rage of being a child. Why do close ties break, and loved ones leave? Can we ever know the full story?


黛西雅各布 Daisy Jacobs

Screening Schedule

Date Time Venue Note
2020/11/29 13:40 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 3
2020/12/01 15:00 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 3

With filmmakers’ attendance
Recommend to family
Wearing 3D glasses
Introduction before screening
Introduction after screening
Non English language film without English subtitles