Programme Panorama
Opening Film
Closing Film
Feature Films
Director in Focus
Theme Program
Baby Universe

Life Cycles

Director / Ross Hogg
UK | 2016 | | DCP | Color | 4min
  • 2017 英國電影學院獎 最佳蘇格蘭動畫短片
  • 2017 阿姆斯特丹動畫影展 最佳政治動畫短片獎


Following the POV of the protagonist, we can see the animation of his daily life embedded with the documentary news or Twitter posts. Among the daily routine and the weekend football game, the warfare became severe. The politicians talk about making changes. The animator wants to ask in the end: will we continue to let events pass us by uncontested, or will we decide to break the cycle?


羅斯霍格 Ross Hogg

Screening Schedule

Date Time Venue Note
2020/11/28 12:20 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 2
2020/12/01 14:20 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 2

With filmmakers’ attendance
Recommend to family
Wearing 3D glasses
Introduction before screening
Introduction after screening
Non English language film without English subtitles