Programme Panorama
Opening Film
Closing Film
Feature Films
Director in Focus
Theme Program
Baby Universe

Feeling My Way

Director / Jonathan Hodgson
UK | 1997 | | DCP | Color | 6min
  • 1998 英國動畫獎 最佳新科技創意獎
  • 1998 渥太華動畫節 評審團大獎


The film perceives the road from home to work from the POV of the protagonist. Combined with the moving collages and painterly animation with live-action footage, it seems to be filtered through the conscious and subconscious mind, sharing the traveler’s experiences and mental reactions to the trials and triviality of urban existence.


喬納森霍奇森 Jonathan Hodgson

Screening Schedule

Date Time Venue Note
2020/11/28 12:20 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 2
2020/12/01 14:20 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 2

With filmmakers’ attendance
Recommend to family
Wearing 3D glasses
Introduction before screening
Introduction after screening
Non English language film without English subtitles