Competition Films
Short Films in Competition
Student Short Films in Competition
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2023 TIAF Competition Nominations
2023 TIAF Award Winning Films

2023 TIAF Short Films Competition Nominations


2023 TIAF Short Films and Taiwanese Short Films Nominations

  • 《27》Flóra Anna BUDA | France

  • 《A Night with Moosina 魍神之夜》蔡旭晟 TSAI Shiu-Cheng | Taiwan

  • 《A Tiny Voyage》Emily Worms | France

  • 《Almost Forgotten》Dimitri Mihajlovic Miguel Lima | Portugal

  • 《An End to War Enough》Simone Massi | Italy

  • 《Anthropocene 眾生相》黃勻弦 HUANG Yun-Sian、劉靜怡 LOW Raito | Taiwan

  • 《Armat》Elodie Dermange | Switzerland

  • 《Bird》Carlos Montoya | Argentina

  • 《Carne de Dios》Patricio PLAZA | Argentina、Mexico

  • 《Compound Eyes of Tropical 熱帶複眼》張徐展 ZHANG Xu-Zhan | Taiwan

  • 《Echo》Sang Joon Kim | United States

  • 《Eeva》Lucija Mrzljak Morten Tšinakov | Estonia

  • 《Europe by Bidon》Samuel Albaric Thomas Trichet | France

  • 《Feather》Sadegh Javadi | Iran

  • 《Ghost of the Dark Path 幽暗小徑的鬼》王登鈺 WANG Deng-Yu | Taiwan

  • 《Greylands》CharlotteWaltert Alvaro Schoeck | Switzerland

  • 《Impurrfection 貓年海岸》姚江 YAO Chiang | Taiwan

  • 《La Calesita》Augusto Schillaci | Argentina

  • 《Monk SEISHIN》Ryotaro Miyajima | Japan

  • 《Monsoon Blue》CHAN Ka-Yin、WONG Hiu-kit | Hong Kong

  • 《Nun or Never!》Heta Jäälinoja | Finland

  • 《Oskar(VOFSTA)》Max Vannienschoot | Canada

  • 《PIG》Jorn Leeuwerink | Netherlands

  • 《PINA》Jeremy Depuydt Giuseppe Accardo | Belgium

  • 《REPUBLIKA》Antonia Begušić | Croatia

  • 《The Egret River 鷺鷥河》劉琬琳 LIU Wan-Ling | Taiwan

  • 《The Rat》CAI Yuan-qing | China

  • 《The Rubbings of Trajectories 軌跡的拓片》鍾承旭 Chung Cheng-Hsu | Taiwan、Germany

  • 《Y》Matea Kovač | Croatia

2023 TIAF Student Short Films and Taiwanese Student Short Films Nominations

  • 《Crab Day》Ross Stringer | United Kingdom

  • 《DIPLOMATIE DE L'ÉCLIPSE》Cesar Luton,Achille Pasquier,Selim Lallaoui, Clemence Bailly, Axel Mechin | France

  • 《Go Fishboy》Denise CIRONE, Sebastian DORINGER, Andrey KOLESOV, Chiayu LIU, Zhen TIAN, Lan ZHOU | France

  • 《Last Summer》BERNARDI Nicola, DE STEFANO Alessandra, LEWANDOWSKA Gabriela, VAN BECELAERE Chloé, VAN DELFT Camille, XIA Elodie | France

  • 《Le Parc aux Cerfs》Mahault Robin, Apolline Bucher, Marine Azam, Lilou Dubreuil, Louise Moulis, Nicolas Wilhelm | France

  • 《LIFE IS A MARATHON》Yulong Dong, Tianjiao Lu | China

  • 《Serendipity》Yunxin Qing, Dongmin Cai | China

  • 《Tear Off》Clément Del Negro, Charlotte Fargier, Héloïse Neveu, Camille Souchard, Nalini Bhasin, Mikko Petremand, Matthias Bourgeuil | France

  • 《The Nectar Instead》Yoo Lee | United States

  • 《The Sun is Bad》Sum Yee Rachel Mow | United States

  • 《Beanboy》Emily Hanning | Denmark

  • 《Diving》Junjian Lin | Japan

  • 《Ex-Filante》Hugo Mermillod | France

  • 《Gambit》Naime Pakniyat | Iran

  • 《Getting Used to Loneliness》Pyoung won Seo | Korea

  • 《Gloire Amère 40000》Vincent Pistien, Armand Goxe, Florian De Chelle, Marine Corbineau, Alexis Maurice, Tom Rameaux, Valentin Giuili | France

  • 《Good Bye 好好拜拜》李汶儒 LI Wen-Ru、廖梓伶LIEW Zinc | Taiwan

  • 《L.U.A (Last Universal Ancestor) 流向北冥》秦彤 CHIN Tung | Taiwan

  • 《Lights》Jitka Nemikinsová | Czech Republic

  • 《PIROPIROPUU》Iyo Matsumoto | Japan

  • 《Synchrony》Julia Le Bras-Juarez, Emmie Marriere, Marianne Fourmanoit, Laura Techer, Louise-Marie Rousselie, Jean Delamarre, Alexis Prost | France

  • 《The Last Bar》Arne Hain | Germany

  • 《Tumult》Baptiste RATAJSKI | France

  • 《Unscarfed》Anita Bruneburg | Germany

  • 《Water drop》Selma EL MALKI | France

  • 《How Dare You! Michelle! 米血大喵險》黃仁煜 HUANG Ren-Yu | Taiwan

  • 《Set Sail 泅》李若禔 LI Jo-Ti | Taiwan

  • 《The Parade》Ryan Benjamin Benjamin Lee | Singapore

  • 《oh shoot!挫屎!》張斯晴 CHANG Sih-Ching 蕭子秦 HSIAO Kenny 黃安睿 HUANG Pang | Taiwan

  • 《La hija del vidriero》Lucía López | Argentina

  • 《To the Beyond》Angie He | Canada