Competition Films
Short Films in Competition
Student Short Films in Competition
Regulations and Awards
Competition Judges
2023 TIAF Competition Nominations
2023 TIAF Award Winning Films

La hija del vidriero

Director / Lucía LÓPEZ
ARGENTINA | 2022 | Mixed Media | DCP | Color | 2min


Growing up in her father's glass shop, the author interprets glass as a familiar material. As the daughter of the glazier, she tries to preserve those memories with paint and glass, elements she will soon discover are just as fragile as her memory.

Screening Schedule

Date Time Venue Note
2023/10/16 18:30 VIESHOW Cinemas Taichung Taroko Mall - Hall 3
2023/10/21 14:00 VIESHOW Cinemas Taichung Taroko Mall - Hall 3

Opening Talk
Q&A Session
Free Admission
Child-friendly special
Wearing 3D glasses