Privacy Policy

The following privacy policy applies to the collection, use, and protection of personal data involved in your activities on the official website of Taichung International Animation Film Festival (hereinafter termed “the Website”). To protect your rights, please be sure to read the following privacy policies in detail. When you register as a member of the Website or use the services of the Website to provide personal information, you are deemed to have read, understood, and agreed to accept the privacy policy of the Website.


The content of the privacy policy, including how the Website handles the personally identifiable information collected when you use the website services. The privacy policy does not apply to related linked websites other than the Website, nor does it apply to persons not entrusted or involved in the management of the Website.


  • When you visit the Website or use the services provided by the Website, we will ask you to provide necessary personal information depending on the nature of the service function. For the personal data you provide, we will follow the "Personal Data Protection Act" and relevant laws and regulations; use it within the scope of the services provided by the Website, and will not use it for purposes other than the specific purpose of collection.
  • During normal browsing, the server will record the relevant actions, including the IP address of your connected device, usage time, browser used, browsing and clicking data records, etc., as a reference for us to improve website services, this record is an internal application and will never be published.
  • We will place the Google Analytics traffic analysis code on all pages of the Website, only to analyze the service usage profile of anonymous users, and will never and cannot collect personally identifiable information.
  • The Website will process, utilize, store and transmit the personal data obtained within a specific purpose or the scope permitted by the law. The period starts from the start date of the service and ends the retention period of the service. The region of use will only be used in the Republic of China.


  • The host of the Website equips with firewalls, anti-virus systems, and related information security equipment and necessary security protection measures to protect the Website and your data. Only authorized personnel can access your personal information, and those who violate the confidentiality obligations will be punished by relevant laws.
  • If it is necessary to entrust other units to provide services due to business needs, the Website will also strictly ask them to abide by their confidentiality obligations and take necessary inspection procedures to confirm.


You may find on the Website links to other websites. We believe these transferee websites are operated by reputable organizations, but we have no control over them and cannot be held responsible for their conduct. Accordingly, this Privacy Policy does not apply to these linked websites. In using such websites, you should read their privacy policies and terms of use.


The Website will never provide, exchange, rent or sell any of your data to other individuals, groups, private enterprises, or public agencies, except in one of the following circumstances.

  • With your written consent.
  • Cooperate with judicial investigations or other legal provisions.
  • To avoid danger to your life, body, liberty, or property.
  • Cooperating with public agencies or academic research institutions is necessary for statistical or academic research based on public interests, and the data is processed by the provider or the collector cannot identify a specific party according to its disclosure method.
  • When your behavior on the Website violates the terms of service or may damage or impede the rights and interests of the Website and other users or cause damage to anyone, the website management unit analyzes and discloses your data to identify, contact, or take the legal action necessary.
  • Beneficial to your rights.
  • When the Website entrusts a manufacturer to assist in the collection, processing, or use of your personal information, it will be responsible for the supervision and management of the outsourced manufacturer or individual.
  • To comply with the security protection requirements of relevant laws and regulations, conduct website service maintenance management and system adjustment, and other operations.


By the Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Law, you may exercise the following rights regarding your data maintained by the Website:

  • You can inquiries, or requests to read or make copies of the Website.
  • Supplements or corrections may be requested from the Website.
  • You can request the Website to delete, stop collecting, processing, or using.
  • If you exercise the above rights, the Website may charge the necessary costs and fees according to the law, and request you to give an appropriate explanation. In the case of compliance with the law, the Website may not act according to your request.
  • Please keep your password and any personal information properly, and do not provide any personal information, especially your password, to anyone. After you complete the functions of the service that require login as a member, please be sure to log out. If you share a computer with others or use a public computer, please close the browser window to prevent others from reading your letters or any personal data.
  • When using the Website, you must abide by the relevant regulations, and you must not use the Website to engage in acts that infringe upon the rights and interests of others or violate the law. Anyone who harms the security of the Website will be investigated for legal responsibility according to the seriousness of the circumstances.


To provide you with the best service, we may use cookies (small data files deposited on your hard drive) which can make it easier for you to use the Website, and personalize your experience. If you are concerned about the use of cookies, you can set the privacy level to “high” on the browser you are using to reject cookies. While most features of the Website will function properly without cookies, there may be some degradation in your experience if you reject cookies.


  • We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time to meet the newest privacy protection regulations.
  • You can contact us concerning any matter described above, or for any other questions or comments regarding the privacy of your personal information that we collect through the Website.