Competition Films
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2024 TIAF Competition Nominations

2024 TIAF Short Films Competition Nominations



2024 TIAF 【Short Films and Taiwanese Short Films Nominees】

  • 《A Night at the Rest Area》Saki Muramoto| Japan
  • 《A Small Garden by the Window》Jonghoon Lee| Korea Republic of
  • 《Alex Far Far Away》何芷晴Tsz Ching Ho, 周曉焱Hiu Yim Chow| Hong Kong
  • 《Butterfly 》Suncana Brkulj| Croatia
  • 《CARTA BIANCA》Francesca Marinelli| France
  • 《Circle》Yumi Joung| Korea Republic of
  • 《Detours Ahead》Esther Cheung| Canada
  • 《Elene Dariani》Elene Tavadze| Georgia
  • 《Extremely Short》Koji Yamamura|Japan
  • 《Father's Letters》Alexey Evstigneev|France
  • 《GIGI》Cynthia Calvi| France
  • 《Homework》Nacho Arjona|Spain
  • 《Impossible Maladies》Stefano Tambellini, Alice Tambellini|
  • 《In the Shadow of the Cypress》Hossein Molayemi, Shirin Sohani| Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • 《It shouldn’t rain tomorrow》Maria Trigo Teixeira| Portugal
  • 《Look at the wildflowers》Constantin Rytz| Switzerland
  • 《Looped》Thomas Costa Freté| Sweden
  • 《Matta and Matto》Bianca Caderas, Kerstin Zemp| Switzerland
  • 《Mothership》Evgeniy Golovin| Russian Federation
  • 《My teenage blackout》Basile Khatir| France
  • 《Next?》Christel Guibert| France
  • 《Nube》Diego Alonso Sánchez de la Barquera Estrada| Mexico
  • 《Pader》Jean Vergé| France
  • 《Papillon (Butterfly)》Florence Miailhe| France
  • 《SMOKE》Rita Basulto Chavez| Mexico
  • 《Sparrows》Rémi Durin| France
  • 《Telsche》Sophie Colfer, Ala Nunu| Portugal
  • 《TEMPORARILY REMOVED》Yoav Brill and Dotan Goldwaser| Israel
  • 《Tennis, Oranges》Sean Pecknold|United States
  • 《The Meatseller》Margherita Giusti| Italy
  • 《龍火》楊子新TzuHsin Yang| Taiwan
  • 《電風》李涌瑞 Erik Lee| Taiwan



2024 TIAF 【Student Short Films and Taiwanese Student Short Films Nominees 】

  • 《A lover’s discourse》龐雯Pang Wen| Japan
  • 《Braided》張晨曦Chenxi Zhang| United States
  • 《Carcinization》Denis Souza| Brazil
  • 《Cat, Fox and the wolf》Aurore Muller Feuga| France
  • 《Cherry, Passion Fruit》Renato José Duque| Portugal
  • 《Cold Soda》于華藝Huayi Yu| United States
  • 《Detlev》Ferdinand Ehrhardt| Germany
  • 《Echoes》Robinson Drossos| France
  • 《Eclipse》Elahe Falahian Mehrjerdi| Iran, Islamic Republic of
  • 《Hotel L'Infini》May Lee, Lindsay Browne| Taiwan、United States
  • 《IN/FINITE》Daniel Maaß| Germany
  • 《It's Dance Time》Qiushu Li| China
  • 《It's just a whole》Bianca Scali| Germany
  • 《Legacy》Tamás Ivády| Hungary
  • 《Maatitel》Govinda Sao| India
  • 《Minus Plus Multiply》Chu-Chieh Lee|Taiwan、United Kingdom
  • 《On the 8th Day》Agathe Sénéchal, Alicia Massez, Elise Debruyne, Flavie Carin, Théo Duhautois| France
  • 《Pear Garden》Shadab Shayegan| Germany
  • 《Perfect City: The Bravest Kid》 Shengwei Zhou| United States
  • 《Shape of the Elephant》桑宇軒Sam Kuwa| Japan
  • 《SILHOUETTE》Alexis Lafuente, Marc Forest, Chloe Stricher, Elliot Dreuille, Antoni Nicolai, Baptiste Gueusquin| France
  • 《Stale Smoke》Luce Grosjean| France
  • 《The Announced Tragedy》Thanut Rujitanont| Thailand
  • 《The Posthuman Hospital》Junha Kim| United States
  • 《To Be a Seed》Julia Granillo Tostado| Belgium
  • 《化》洪菀妤 WanYu Hung| Taiwan
  • 《嗨, 爸》王偉帆 WeiFan Wang| Taiwan
  • 《迴程》王翊庭 YiTing Wang| Taiwan
  • 《夜猫》林俊健 Junjian Lin| Japan
  • 《水鬼》薛宏洲Hongzhou Xue| United Kingdom