Competition Films
Short Films in Competition
Student Short Films in Competition
Regulations and Awards
Competition Judges
2024 TIAF Competition Nominations


Director / Daniel MAAß
GERMANY | 2023 | 2D、3D、Sand | DCP | Color | 5min |
  • ★ Asia premiere ★


Two hikers come across a hypnotic-looking water pit in a dry desert. The water pit is now the trigger for an all-encompassing conflict: Should they settle down or keep wandering?

Screening Schedule

Date Time Venue Note
2024/10/18 15:00 臺中大魯閣新時代威秀 - Hall 2廳
2024/10/22 19:30 臺中大魯閣新時代威秀 - Hall 3廳

Opening Talk
Q&A Session
Free Admission
Child-friendly special
Wearing 3D glasses