Programme Panorama
Opening Film
Closing Film
Feature Films
Director in Focus
Theme Program
Baby Universe

Little Allan – The Human Antenna

Director / Amalie Næsby FICK
DENMARK | 2022 | 3D | DCP | Color | 85min |
  • ★ Asia premiere ★


On an otherwise lonely summer vacation, the introverted Little Allan is talked into acting as a human antenna for his old UFO-obsessed neighbor who thinks a huge invasion fleet from outer space is on its way. But what they find is not exactly a huge invasion fleet. When the rickety antenna construction collapses, Little Allan is only barely saved by the alien girl Britney, who is doing a school project about the primitive human race.

Screening Schedule

Date Time Venue Note
2022/09/25 17:50 Shin Kong Cinemas - Hall 8
2022/09/28 14:00 Shin Kong Cinemas - Hall 8

Opening Talk
Q&A Session
Free Admission
Child-friendly special
Wearing 3D glasses

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