- 節目總覽
Overview - 依放映地點
By location
Flea and Fly
Director/ Fernando MILLER
Kids. (That's right. It's the whole synopsis)
- 7min
Waldo's Dream
Director/ José NAVARRO, Jorge CAMPUSANO, Santiago O'RYAN
This is a story of Waldo Joy, a man tormented by the horrible birth malformation of his son. He tries to leave the grief behind by constructing a huge amusement park named "Happyland".
- 3min
I'm Going Out for Cigarettes
Director/ Osman CERFON
Twelve-year-old Jonathan lives with his sister, his mother and also some men. They all have the same face and nest in closets, drawers and TV set...
- 14min
Director/ Sylvain CHOMET
Recognizing the absurdity of human interaction and applying this to excessive, often obsessive Twitter use.
- 4min
Electrician's Day
Director/ Vladimir LESCHIOV
As a result of an accident during the repair work next to a psychiatric hospital, the electrician loses his consciousness and finds himself behind the wall.
- 9min
Director/ Luis USON, Adres AGUILAR
We are all condemned to work and repeat the same empty routines. Can we reach that carrot with which they want to keep us forever occupied, eternally chasing after something we do not need?
- 6min
Animal Behaviour
Director/ Alison SNOWDEN, David FINE
Dealing with what comes naturally isn't easy, especially for animals. In <i>Animal Behavior</i>, five animals meet regularly to discuss their inner angst in a group therapy session led by Dr. Clement, a canine psychotherapist.
- 14min
Trump Bites
Director/ Bill PLYMPTON
Every day, Donald Trump unleashes a torrent of exaggerations, insults, threats and self-pity. Bill Plympton uses actual audio clips of Donald Trump as the basis for surreal animations depicting the president's tumultuous inner life.
- 4min
The Rain
Director/ Piotr MILCZAREK
<i>The Rain</i> is an animation on collective consciousness that depicts a struggle of an individual with collective hypnosis and its consequences for both the individual and the crowd.
- 5min
臺中凱擘影城 Kbro Cinemas
- 備註說明:
★ With filmmakers’ attendance
❤ Recommend to family
Wearing 3D glasses
✱ Introduction before screening
◆ Introduction after screening
▲ Non English language film without English subtitles
- 場次及活動異動訊息,請以官網與戲院現場公布為準
Please refer to the announcement on website and venues for changes to ratings, screenings and events. - 所有影廳皆設有無障礙設施。輪椅席預約請詳閱購票資訊。
Accessibility for the disabled in all venues. Please refer to festival handbook p. 12 to reserved ahead.