Programme Panorama
Opening Film
Closing Film
Feature Films
Program in Focus
Realify & Fanlasy
Baby Universe

Have a Nice Day

Director / LIU Jian
CHINA | 2017 | 2D | DCP | Color | 74min |


A city in southern China and a bag containing a million yuan draws several people from diverse backgrounds with different personal motives into a bloody conflict. Philosophizing gangster bosses, ageing hitmen, men and women who are tired of the struggle to survive - anyone who happens to have the bag holds on to it tightly, as if it were a lifeline.

Screening Schedule

Date Time Venue Note
2018/10/12 20:50 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 10
2018/10/15 14:10 Kbro Cinemas - Hall 10

With filmmakers’ attendance
Recommend to family

