- 節目總覽
Overview - 依放映地點
By location
Hwa Don't Give A Duck
Director/ CHANG Pin-Yu
Hwa the Cactus leads three ducks in the desert to find water. However, the three ducks start to annoy Hwa as they never play by the rules.
- 4min
Luce and the Rock
Director/ Britt RAES
Luce lives a happy life in a peaceful little village. The only thing that scares Luce is the dark - but luckily her little lightsticks keep her safe. One day a giant Rock Creature disturbs the quiet life in the village, destroying all the houses…
- 13min
Go Away, Alfred!
Director/ Célia TISSERANT, Arnaud DEMUYNCK
Alfred has to flee his country due to the ravages of war. Without a place to call home, he wanders and faces rejection after rejection. One day, he meets Sonia, who extends a simple yet friendly gesture by offering him a cup of hot coffee.
- 11min
Chocolate & Strawberry
Director/ CHEN Jiun-Cheng
Chocolate and Strawberry go find the moon together.
- 6min
Hello Summer
Director/ Martin SMATANA, Veronika ZACHAROVÁ
Sea, sun, beaches and family holidays. But what if the hotel isn’t as stellar as promised, your room has a bit of a naughty view, the dinner is surprisingly exotic and your luggage travels independently? Family above all!
- 11min
Noodles au Naturel
Director/ Matteo Salanave PIAZZA
Antoine discovers in the changing room that he has forgotten his swim suit. Swimming lesson start and he has to find a solution.
- 4min
Battery Mommy
Director/ JEON Seung-Bae
Battery Mommy works at various stuffs in the nursery. During the children's nap time of one winter day, Battery Mommy finds out the Christmas tree in the nursery is on fire. At the moment, she urgently runs to the fire alarm to safely rescue sleeping children...
- 9min
The Brave Locomotive
Director/ Andrew CHESWORTH
In this Old West musical tale with 1940s flair, a fearless little train and his engineer confront obsolescence as bigger, faster, and more automated machines take center stage.
- 7min
The Mystery of Missing Socks
Director/ Oskar LEHEMAA
Little Pille goes to find her father’s missing socks under the bed, to a fantastical world of forgotten things. There she finds that dad’s socks have laid an egg! Now Pille must protect the socks from danger until the tiny egg can hatch.
- 20min
臺中大魯閣新時代威秀 VIESHOW Cinemas Taichung Taroko Mall
64 min☆
84 min☆
60 min☆▲
87 min★
90 min☆
106 min★
75 min
68 min
51 min☆▲
80 min★
64 min★
60 min☆▲
83 min★
64 min☆
80 min★
85 min▲
75 min☆
91 min☆
96 min☆
80 min
133 min☆
64 min★
84 min☆
68 min☆
106 min
80 min★
133 min☆
83 min
96 min
80 min
75 min★
60 min☆▲
60 min☆▲
60 min☆▲
132 min
168 min
99 min
99 min
168 min☆
132 min
- 備註說明:
★ Opening Talk
☆ Q&A Session
▲ Free Admission
※ Child-friendly special
Wearing 3D glasses
- 場次及活動異動訊息,請以官網與戲院現場公布為準
Please refer to the announcement on website and venues for changes to ratings, screenings and events. - 所有影廳皆設有無障礙設施。輪椅席預約請詳閱購票資訊。
Accessibility for the disabled in all venues. Please refer to festival handbook p. 12 to reserved ahead.