- 節目總覽
Overview - 依放映地點
By location
Director/ Daniel MAAß
Two hikers come across a hypnotic-looking water pit in a dry desert. The water pit is now the trigger for an all-encompassing conflict: Should they settle down or keep wandering?
- 6min
On the 8th Day
Director/ Agathe SÉNÉCHAL, Alicia MASSEZ, Elise DEBRUYNE, Flavie CARIN, Théo DUHAUTOIS
It took 7 days to create the world, it only took one to disrupt its balance.
- 8min
Cat, Fox and the wolf
Director/ Aurore Muller FEUGA
The Cat and the Fox starts a journey to find a stray wolf. The two friends follow his track which brings them to meet the people who collect his story. The two friends discover what is behing the words.
- 12min
The Posthuman Hospital
Director/ Jun-Ha KIM
The film showcases medical records of posthuman patients in an imaginary hospital through experimental digital images.
- 7min
Hotel L'Infini
Director/ May LEE, Lindsay BROWNE
Jacque, a diligent bellboy of the extravagant Hotel L’infini, is caught red-handed for possible murder by a brooding detective who chases him through the hotel.
- 3min
Director/ Denis SOUZA
Three friends are going through changes in their lives. Liz wants to change the style of music she plays, Mari wants to drop out of college and P1 wants to become a crab.
- 10min
Director/ HUNG Wan-Yu
From emptiness, a gentle breeze stirs, gathering grasses and leaves to form a creature. Grass turns to feathers, leaves to body. As It catch sight of itself, the world echoes into being, stirred by the wind. Feeling others, It is felt in return, in a rhythm where all boundaries blur into a seamless dance of harmony...
- 5min
Director/ Ferdinand EHRHARDT
A constantly freezing man in his forties drives to a lonely petrol station every evening and orders a microwaved Toast Hawaii. Detlev indulges in this in a bizarre ritual, because it's the only thing that warms him in his daily life. But when he is observed by a stranger one night, his world begins to crumble into shameful pieces.
- 13min
臺中大魯閣新時代威秀 VIESHOW Cinemas Taichung Taroko Mall
64 min☆
84 min☆
60 min☆▲
87 min★
90 min☆
106 min★
75 min
68 min
51 min☆▲
80 min★
64 min★
60 min☆▲
83 min★
64 min☆
80 min★
85 min▲
75 min☆
91 min☆
96 min☆
80 min
133 min☆
64 min★
84 min☆
68 min☆
106 min
80 min★
133 min☆
83 min
96 min
80 min
75 min★
60 min☆▲
60 min☆▲
60 min☆▲
132 min
168 min
99 min
99 min
168 min☆
132 min
- 備註說明:
★ Opening Talk
☆ Q&A Session
▲ Free Admission
※ Child-friendly special
Wearing 3D glasses
- 場次及活動異動訊息,請以官網與戲院現場公布為準
Please refer to the announcement on website and venues for changes to ratings, screenings and events. - 所有影廳皆設有無障礙設施。輪椅席預約請詳閱購票資訊。
Accessibility for the disabled in all venues. Please refer to festival handbook p. 12 to reserved ahead.