- 節目總覽
Overview - 依放映地點
By location
Hey Dad
Director/ WANG Wei-Fan
I’ve practiced these words for 20 years now, but maybe being candid isn’t the best idea. I’m starting my countdown again, another 20 years. Maybe it might be the right time by then.
- 6min
Director/ Alexis LAFUENTE, Marc FOREST, Chloe STRICHER, Elliot DREUILLE, Antoni NICOLAI, Baptiste GUEUSQUIN
Silhouette tells the story of Claire, a young woman who has just moved to a big city. She soon finds her body gradually disappearing.
- 5min
Minus Plus Multiply
Director/ LEE Chu-Chieh
With containers as a motif and a metaphor for a safe place, the story surrounds the protagonist's self-searching and healing journey, exploring the relationship between emotion and space. The film attempts to construct a poetic narrative and psychological self-portraits through experimentation in 2D animation, stop motion and sound. It reflects sensibility, fragility, and fragmentation of identity by applying pottery and clay.
- 9min
Director/ Robinson DROSSOS
Echoes is a contemplative adventure into the depths of a noisy world. Guided by a distant melody echoing through concrete and rock, we follow a character wandering in the dark. Strange places take shape in the glow of his torchlight, and the sound of water droplets on the ground punctuates our footsteps. In the distance, we hear muffled music, where does it come from?
- 7min
It's Just a Whole
Director/ Bianca SCALI
She knew this day would come and the choice she’d have to make. But as it finally comes, Maya cannot wrap her head around it. A mole - it’s so small, so insignificant, just a mark... How can it be so hard to part from it? Can Maya ever feel whole again when a bit of her is taken away?
- 11min
Shape of the Elephant
Director/ Sam KUWA
There was an elephant living in my house, but all the adults were avoiding it. The elephant kept changing its shape and grew up with me.
- 8min
Director/ ZHANG Chen-Xi
Mom always meticulously braided my hair tightly, so tight that it pulled a clear path on top of my head. But one day, she cut off my braids. I didn't want to resist, yet I had to accept it. As I took my first steps forward alone, my stride faltered. Along the path on my head, I touched our unbreakable inner attachment, and the journey of female growth we were both unprepared to face.
- 6min
Perfect City: The Bravest Kid
Director/ ZHOU Sheng-Wei
Chased by his nightmare knife hand, the paper boy has to confront his real fear which supposed to be his hope.
- 6min
It's Dance Time
Director/ LI Qiu-Shu
The film shows an intimate conversation between two schoolgirls during a group dance between classes, talking about body changes and the experience of UFO sightings.
- 4min
Cherry, Passion Fruit
Director/ Renato José DUQUE
Nature contains both the raging fire and the flowing waterfall. Inside a mysterious rainforest, lust takes shape between love and pain. Would you face your haunting desire?
- 5min
The Water Ghost
Director/ XUE Hong-Zhou
An epic on the smallest scale. A romantic poem about my childhood. A subjective fantasy that changes the memories of the past. False memory can reveal the true self.
- 5min
臺中大魯閣新時代威秀 VIESHOW Cinemas Taichung Taroko Mall
64 min☆
84 min☆
60 min☆▲
87 min★
90 min☆
106 min★
75 min
68 min
51 min☆▲
80 min★
64 min★
60 min☆▲
83 min★
64 min☆
80 min★
85 min▲
75 min☆
91 min☆
96 min☆
80 min
133 min☆
64 min★
84 min☆
68 min☆
106 min
80 min★
133 min☆
83 min
96 min
80 min
75 min★
60 min☆▲
60 min☆▲
60 min☆▲
132 min
168 min
99 min
99 min
168 min☆
132 min
- 備註說明:
★ Opening Talk
☆ Q&A Session
▲ Free Admission
※ Child-friendly special
Wearing 3D glasses
- 場次及活動異動訊息,請以官網與戲院現場公布為準
Please refer to the announcement on website and venues for changes to ratings, screenings and events. - 所有影廳皆設有無障礙設施。輪椅席預約請詳閱購票資訊。
Accessibility for the disabled in all venues. Please refer to festival handbook p. 12 to reserved ahead.