Competition Films
Short Films in Competition
Student Short Films in Competition
Regulations and Awards
Competition Judges
2024 TIAF Competition Nominations


Director / Denis SOUZA
BRAZIL | 2023 | 2D | Color | 10min |
  • ★ Asia premiere ★


Three friends are going through changes in their lives. Liz wants to change the style of music she plays, Mari wants to drop out of college and P1 wants to become a crab.

Screening Schedule

Date Time Venue Note
2024/10/18 15:00 臺中大魯閣新時代威秀 - Hall 2廳
2024/10/22 19:30 臺中大魯閣新時代威秀 - Hall 3廳

Opening Talk
Q&A Session
Free Admission
Child-friendly special
Wearing 3D glasses