- 節目總覽
Overview - 依放映地點
By location
Director/ Juan Fran JACINTO, Carla PEREIRA
In his thirties and still living with his mother, a man decides to break free from his inner demons.
- 11min
Imbued Life
Director/ Ivana BOŠNJAK, Thomas JOHNSON
A skillful taxidermist, the heroine "returns" the animals to their natural habitat. But the true search for answers begins when she finds a roll of undeveloped film in each of the animals that she treats.
- 12min
Fox Boy
Director/ Doyeon TAK
A little boy confined to his room meets another boy wearing a fox mask and follows him outside into a deep forest full of secrets.
- 12min
Still Lives
Director/ Elli VUORINEN
In Still Lives, the concept of busy stillness is explored from various standpoints as the museum artefacts from all over the world reflect on the mundane challenges in the modern life.
- 6min
Inside Blue
Director/ CHEN Yi-Chien
This is a story about a man who needs to carry a tape all the time just in case something happens.
- 6min
Director/ Lorenz WUNDERLE
A coyote loses his wife and children to an attack from the wolves. In anguish, he is trying to process the experience. Besides grief and delusion, evil takes up more and more space.
- 10min
The Night of the Plastic Bags
Director/ Gabriel HAREL
Agathe will be thirty-nine soon and is still childless. She goes to her ex-boyfriend. While she is trying a move to have a child with him, the plastic bags come to life and attack.
- 18min
臺中凱擘影城 Kbro Cinemas
- 備註說明:
★ With filmmakers’ attendance
❤ Recommend to family
Wearing 3D glasses
✱ Introduction before screening
◆ Introduction after screening
▲ Non English language film without English subtitles
- 場次及活動異動訊息,請以官網與戲院現場公布為準
Please refer to the announcement on website and venues for changes to ratings, screenings and events. - 所有影廳皆設有無障礙設施。輪椅席預約請詳閱購票資訊。
Accessibility for the disabled in all venues. Please refer to festival handbook p. 12 to reserved ahead.