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Raimund Krumme on Sound, Space & Animation


10/13 Sun. 20:15 l Kbro Cinemas - Hall 3

Space defined by motion and sound. Movement without space is impossible. At the same time we cannot perceive space without movement. Main subject of this discussion will be the depiction and perception of space in animation, and how movement and sound defines space in particular. In the speech, Raimund Krumme shows with a couple of examples of  films (including his own), how the combination of image/lines, movement and sound can create space. A space, that is immanent in the story and tries to push it further.


Director in Focus: Raimund Krumme


Raimund Krumme  l
Raimund Krumme is a veteran German animation director and writer, who had taught in the California Institute of the Arts and the Academy for Media Arts Cologne. Since 2019, Krumme has been a guest professor in the Department of Animation at the Taipei National University of the Arts. Krumme's short films have been selected for the major international animation festivals, and in addition to making animation, he has held solo exhibitions all over the world.



◎ Lecture will begin after the screening of Director in Focus: Raimund Krumme. Audience of the screening has priority to the lecture. Vacancies will be filled on-site.

◎ This event will be conducted in English and translated into Chinese.