- 節目總覽
Overview - 依放映地點
By location
臺中站前秀泰影城 S2 館 Showtime Cinemas S2
臺中凱擘影城 Kbro Cinemas
- ❤ 適合親子共賞 Family-Friendly Program
- ★ 影人出席映後座談或導讀 With filmmakers' attendance
- 場次及活動異動訊息,請以官網與戲院現場公布為準
Please refer to the announcement on website and venues for changes to ratings, screenings and events. - 所有影廳皆設有無障礙設施。輪椅席預約請詳閱購票資訊。
Accessibility for the disabled in all venues. Please refer to festival handbook p. 12 to reserved ahead.